Peer Reviewed Journal Publication

Vincent Hurez, Glenn Gauderat, Perrine Soret, Renee Myers, Krishnakant Dasika, Robert Sheehan, Christina Friedrich, Mike Reed, Laurence Laigle, Marta Alarcón Riquelme, Audrey Aussy, Loubna Chadli, Sandra Hubert, Emiko Desvaux, Sylvain Fouliard, Philippe Moingeon and the PRECISESADS Clinical Consortium

Virtual patients inspired by multiomics predict the efficacy of an anti-IFNα mAb in cutaneous lupus

Highlights • QSP modeling of lupus can be used to predict the efficacy of drug candidates. • A cohort of virtual lupus patients was created from profiling data of actual patients. • Virtual patient simulations predicted distinct anti IFN treatment responses. • Machine learning found biomarkers to differentiate responders from non-responders.

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