Rosa Webinar Series

Webinar Program

Standards and Software in Biomedical Systems Modeling

Herbert Sauro, PhD, University of Washington, Seattle

Dr. Sauro will describe the development of biomedical modeling standards during the last 10 years and how that has stimulated a great many other initiatives. He will also describe software developments he has been involved in and possible future developments in high performance computing and real-time simulation. He will demonstrate of some new software and discuss plans for a current suite of modeling tools.Dr. Herbert Sauro is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, Seattle. He was educated in the UK where learned most of his modeling and biochemical systems theory under David Fell and Henrik Kacser. He also worked in the finance industry in Edinburgh for a few years as a software consultant before gaining an associate position at Caltech, Pasadena in 2000. After Caltech he moved to the Keck Graduate Institute near LA and then on to UW, Seattle. His work primarily focuses on understanding how signaling, metabolic and gene regulatory networks operate. In his early work he focused on developing metabolic control analysis and simulation platforms. Later he was a founding member of the Systems Biology Markup Language community. Since then he has worked on the Systems Biology Workbench, experimental synthetic biology, and developing standards for synthetic biology (SBOL). He is author of numerous papers and reviews including a recently published textbook, "Enzyme Kinetics for Systems Biology" available at Amazon: